Septic Pumpout

On-Lot Disposal System (OLDS) Management Ordinance

In July of 2012, the Windsor Township Board of Supervisors adopted an OLDS Ordinance requiring the pump out of septic systems which was mandated by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. The Township was split into four (4) districts with a different district being selected each year on a rotating schedule.  Letters were sent in January 2025 to each property owner in District #1 stating that the pumping and inspection of their on-lot septic system was required within eight (8) months.

If you have an on-lot septic system: 

  • Make sure there is an appropriate access port to the septic system so a proper inspection can be performed.   Access ports shall be at least twenty (20) inches in diameter with a removable cover. If you do not have an access port or your access port does not meet this minimum requirement, you will need to obtain a permit to install an appropriate access port.  Contact the Township Sewage Enforcement officer, Adam Anderson at (717) 757-2734 to determine fees and schedule inspections.
  • Contact a septage hauler that is licensed by the York County Solid Waste Authority to schedule a pump out and inspection.
  • Request the hauler submit a York County Sludge/Septage Manifest & Report to the Township.
  • If the report received from the hauler indicates any repairs are needed, you will receive notification from the Township at which time you will need to contact the Sewage Enforcement officer, Adam Anderson at (717) 757-2734.

 If you have a cesspool:

  • Property owners with cesspools will need to have an inspection performed by the Township Sewage Enforcement Officer.  Contact Adam Anderson at (717) 757-2734 to determine fees and schedule inspections.

If this property is a vacant lot:

If the parcel of land referenced on the letter does not contain an on-lot septic system, please contact the Township within eight (8) months of receipt of the letter for an exemption form.